
Drinking Soda is the Secret to Championship Burping [Video]
Drinking Soda is the Secret to Championship Burping [Video]
Drinking Soda is the Secret to Championship Burping [Video]
If you want to win a burping contest, drink soda.  If you want to win the World Burping Championship then drink about two gallons of it.  The first World Burping Championship was held at the Hudson Station Bar & Grill in Manhattan, NY and at 18.1 s...
Jr Idol Starts Tonight
Jr Idol Starts Tonight
Jr Idol Starts Tonight
So excited to kick off our 4th annual Jr Idol tonight!  Thanks to Five Star Subaru, every night will be admission free.  Bring the family and enjoy the show!  Doors open at 5pm show time is 6pm.  Two groups will sing tonight, 13-16yrs and 17-20yrs, in our first round of auditions...