
Apple Reportedly Working On a Smartwatch
Apple Reportedly Working On a Smartwatch
Apple Reportedly Working On a Smartwatch
Now that there are over 1 billion smartphones out there, the time seems about right for there to be a next big thing. If Google's Sergey Bring has anything to say about it, the next big thing is going to be a computer you wear on your face. But what's Apple's answer to Google Glass? There's a lot of speculation out there that it might be some kind of smartwach. Does this mean everyone will get to
Apple’s 128GB iPad Released Before Microsoft’s Surface Pro
Apple’s 128GB iPad Released Before Microsoft’s Surface Pro
Apple’s 128GB iPad Released Before Microsoft’s Surface Pro
Apple will release a 128GB iPad starting Tuesday, February 5th, and this latest model has twice the storage capacity of the current 64GB versions. For memory hounds keeping score, owners of the Galaxy Note, the BlackBerry Playbook, or the Kindle Fire have tablets that can hold up to 64GB. Microsoft's Surface Pro, which hits stores February 9th, is being released in a 64GB and 128GB version. Read M

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