Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans (SHIRJ), is a rapidly growing grassroots non-profit organization based in Oneonta, NY that began in 2018 and is operated mostly by volunteers who concentrate on helping people keep their pets to prevent as many animals as possible from ending up in the shelter and needing new homes. Naturally, they also help to rehome animals in need and have helped more than 1200 pets since they started up. SHIRJ has announced that not only do they have a new logo and new website, but they have a new name as well to reflect their mission- Super Heroes Humane Society (SHHS) which lets everyone know exactly what this caring group is about.

According to, a team at Directive, an Oneonta IT company designed the new website and logo. It turns out that Directive's CEO Chris Chase is a big fan of Super Heroes and has adopted three dogs and two cats from the shelter to prove it.

Super Heroes Humane Society is looking forward to being fully in its new location at 160 Pony Farm Road which is going to be renovated to accommodate animals who need to be adopted but need to raise at least $475,000 to begin the first phase of the renovation project. SHHS says the renovations will include communal cat rooms, a room housing cat condos, double-compartment dog kennels, a surgery suite, and a room for dog visits with potential adopters.

To help SHHS with this goal, you can donate to its capital campaign "Super PAWSabilities".

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Super Heroes is always putting on fun fundraisers in the community. Follow what they're up to on the Facebook page to learn more about their mission, upcoming fundraising events, and adopting or fostering a pet.

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