SUNY Student Juried Art Show is Online This Year
SUNY Oneonta is offering the 2020 Annual Juried Student Art Show completely online.
The art show is presented each year in the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery on the college campus, but the unprecedented environment of COVID-19 has made organizers tackle the event with technology.
“After months of planning our traditional exhibition and switching to a completely remote and online process, we are finally celebrating student creativity that overcomes the limitations of social distancing and isolation,” said Tim Sheesley, in a press release. He is the gallery director.. “We are pleased to also continue our awards program.“
Approximately 155 pieces of student artwork are on display. Featured artworks were chosen from an open jury process and works entered by the art faculty. Painting, drawing, sculpture, digital print, digital video, and an assortment of mixed media make up this year’s offerings.
Awards include the Jean Parish Art on Campus Awards, the George E. Zimmerman Memorial Awards, the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery Awards, and the Golden Artists Colors Inc. Gift Certificate Awards. New this year is the Andritz-Rightmire Award for Creativity. The cash awards to students are supported by generous gifts made to the Foundation at Oneonta.
Artist and curator Charles Bremer who served as the juror for the selection of this year’s awards said, “We are largely separated by required isolation. That consideration has meant that most of us will view the work, not in person, but by computer. Despite this limitation, it is wonderful to see this work being shared.”
For further information call the art gallery office 607-436-345