League of Legends never fails to inspire cosplayers to craft costumes and accessories based on the game's many characters. The list of LoL characters and their alternate costumes is seemingly endless, which results in cosplayers donning many different looks. Today, we're going to check out Sona, the Maven of the Strings.

Sona is a character with a fascinating origin: she was found abandoned on the doorstep of an adoption house, resting on top of an unusual instrument. She lived at the adoption house up until her teens, never speaking a word to anyone. One day, a woman named Lestara Buvelle adopted her and showed her how to use the etwahl, instrument that accompanied her during her whole life. She could play beautiful music with it, but she found that she could also use its vibrations to slice things.

Ally-bee is a cosplayer from France and she looks great as Sona, complete with her own version of the etwahl. It's probably not easy to walk around in that ornate dress and that long hair while lugging around the etwahl, so she gets our full marks for this cosplay. She looks lovely as the silent etwahl player and we can't wait to see if she makes any of Sona's alternate costumes.

Check out Ally-bee's other cosplay work on her deviantART and let us know what you think of this Maven of the Strings.

Sylvain Leobon
Sylvain Leobon
Nakana Focus

Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to john@arcadesushi.com and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Day!

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