June 3 was declared RoboCop Day in Detroit, with the half-man, half-bot making appearances all throughout the city in honor of the movie remake's DVD and Blu-ray release. There was even supposed to be an unveiling of a giant, commemorative statue in the character's honor, but that hit a bit of a snag. Instead, we have footage of RoboCop throwing the first pitch at a Tigers vs. Blue Jays game at Comerica Park.

You would think RoboCop would be able to use his highly advanced tech enhancements to calculate the exact velocity at which the ball needed to travel, but, ultimately, the pitch fell a little short. Even the announcer noticed that one. But at least he did better than 50 Cent, amarite?

The true spectacle of RoboCop Day was supposed to be the unveiling of a 10-foot-tall statue, which was conceived through a Kickstarter set up in 2011. However, a press release was issued on Tuesday, stating:

Please be advised, ROBOCOP’s Prime Directives have changed and today's scheduled presentation and statue announcement at the Detroit Police Department has been cancelled.  We know that fans have been eagerly awaiting news on the effigy honoring one of Detroit’s finest and we look forward to sharing those details in the near future.

'RoboCop' is now available on DVD and Blu-ray.

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