Randy Travis Recovering From Heart Surgery + Stroke
Finally, some good news on the Randy Travis front. The country singer is recovering well following a stroke and emergency heart surgery.
Travis is now awake and will soon be breathing on his own.
Travis underwent emergency heart surgery on July 8 for viral cardiomyopathy, an illness that weakens the heart muscles. Travis then suffered a stroke as a result of complications from said surgery on July 10.
"As a result of his heart condition, acutely, and the stroke, he was put on a ventilator to help him breathe during his hospitalization. He remains on that, but we are decreasing that support daily," Travis' surgeon, Dr. Gary Erwin, told Us Weekly.
"He is breathing spontaneously with the help of the ventilator and hope to have him weaned off of that very soon breathing completely on his own."
Dr. Erwin added, "In terms of his stroke, he has responded well to the surgical procedure he had to relieve the pressure in his brain. We're seeing improvements in brain scans showing decreased swelling of his brain. He is awake and alert interacting with his family and friends and beginning to start doing some early physical therapy."
Travis had a history of alcohol-related issues, but another of his physicians, Dr. Michael Mack, says that his heart troubles were likely a result of poor genes than anything else -- the illness runs in his family.
"He has what's called idiopathic cardiomyopathy, which means he has scarring of his heart muscle that is causing his heart to be weak and not able to support his circulation without help of either medical devices or medication," Mack said.
"From the appearance on echocardiograms, which are images of his heart, this is not the appearance of either drugs or alcohol causing the heart condition. Mr. Travis does have a family history of cardiomyopathy and it is more likely related to that."
Travis' fiancee, Mary Davis, said he is responding to voices and thanks fans for support. "It's heartwarming to see that we have such a strong person under there that's willing to fight with us," Davis said.
"We all know now that we had greatness to work with. We ask for your continued support. I know that Randy will be so touched by that when he understands the magnitude of it all."
Our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery!