Random Karaoke Dude Nails Whitney Houston’s Song, Open-Arm Gestures
Most karaoke fiends consider themselves pretty good at karaoke. More often than not, this self-perception is clouded by one (or five) too many gin and tonics, plus the pure adrenaline rush that comes from being the momentary focus of attention up at the mic. The guy in the above video, however, has every right to think he dominates karaoke, because he definitely does.
This video is all the better for having zero context: The singer is just a man, standing in front of a smartphone camera, asking his unseen audience to love his cover of Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing." At first glance, you might assume that a bro in flip-flops, shorts and a black sleeveless t-shirt would opt for a more rock 'n roll song selection — Metallica or Green Day, maybe. A mere 10 seconds into the clip, however, it's clear he's here to defy all expectations.
Instantly commanding respect with a flawlessly executed Whitney raised-open-arms gesture, the singer launches into a gorgeous rendition of Houston's third single from The Bodyguard. If he can bring the house down (okay, bring the beachfront bar down) in broad daylight, can you imagine what he'd do with that range on a proper stage?
You can watch a karaoke master at work in the video above, and may he inspire us all to step our collective game up.
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