The battle of the princesses rages on! Princess Zelda has defeated Princess Peach. But now she goes up against Princess Kitana, the fan-wielding kombatant from the Mortal Kombat series. Will their be a new princess in power after today?

Zelda, our reigning champ, is cosplayed by the always-lovely RikkuGrape. When she's not clanking around as a spirit inhabiting a suit of armor, she's moonlighting as a ninja or fighting in Super Smash Bros. This princess is definitely one to beat.

ThelemaTherion is dressed as Kitana, the princess of Edenia and all-around badass. Kitana's whole life has revolved around fighting. This is one battle-hardened lady who's got more than just a couple of fans in her corner.

It's up to you to decide who will win this Cosplay Clash (or should we call it Kosplay Klash?)! Voting closes on April 26th 10AM PST.

Rules of Cosplay Clash:

Fans can vote once per hour for their favorite cosplayer. If a cosplayer remains the reigning champ for seven straight matches, they are retired to the Arcade Sushi Cosplay Hall of Fame. With so many great cosplayers out there, we have to give other cosplayers a chance!

Rikku Princess Zelda
Darkain Multimedia
Princess Kitana
Jose Manchado

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