The devious Ezra Fitz on 'Pretty Little Liars' is played by non-evil actor Ian Harding, who, despite not sharing much with his nefarious fictional counterpart, had no trouble teasing us about the Season Four Finale with some wicked quotes.

Beware of spoilers below, in which Harding discusses the March finale and has us wondering whether Ezra was with Ali the night she disappeared.

"Lives may or may not be destroyed," teased Harding in an interview with Us Weekly about the last episode of 'PLL' entitled 'A is for Answers.'

He went on to add of the Season Four finale, "It's gnarly! There are multiple twists in the last chunk of the episode."

For example, the fact that the events of the episode might mean that Harding and Ezra won't be returning for Season Five. As he explained, "I don’t know what I’ll be doing next season. They just can't after what happens."

So what else does his interview reveal? According to the accompanying photo (which shows Ali and Ezra in a car together), they may have been together the day Ali disappeared and was buried alive.

Specifically because Ali is seen wearing the same exact outfit she was last seen in: a bright yellow shirt and Toby's jacket. Also, Toby remembers seeing Ali get in a car with a man he didn't recognize, a man who may in fact be Mr. Fitz. The plot thickens.

This makes us even more excited for tomorrow's episode, which you can catch on ABC Family at 8PM ET.

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