Think of the worst possible place you can ask to pop the question. A funeral? Someone else's wedding? A drive-thru? Well, this guy may have topped it.

The defendant in this People's Court case decided to get down on bended knee right after the case was decided and pop the the plaintiff. Weird, right?

The man had just lost $730 in the case and while he must have lost some money in his wallet, he certainly didn't lose any of the love in his heart.

Maybe the only thing worse than this yokel proposing is the fact his girlfriend the defendant accepted the proposal. Honey, do you not see the red flag? You just sued him! That's about as sure a sign as you can get that this relationship may be doomed and the only TV appearance you'll be making in the future is on Maury.

And are we the only ones who think this guy will probably end up back in court for failure to pay for the ring?

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