Paul Reubens, who has played the part of Pee-Wee Herman for decades, got his start in a small town in New York.

According to Wikipedia, Reubens was born in Peekskill, NY, and spent much of his childhood in Oneonta, NY before moving with his family to Sarasota, FL. While Paul Reubens lived in Oneonta, he attended Bugbee School (now part of SUNY Oneonta) and was involved in theater including a role in a play called "The Legend of Lelewala" according to the Times Union.

There is a two-part documentary film being made by HBO about the life of Paul Reubens and his pop icon character Pee-Wee Herman. The filmmaker has been looking for pictures, old films, or any memorabilia that anyone might have from Paul Reuban's short time in Oneonta. By the way, when he was a child in Oneonta the future Pee-Wee Herman was known by his full last name Paul Rubenfeld.

So, start looking through old family albums and old super 8 film reels to see if you have any images of a young Paul Reubans. You might just end up in an HBO Documentary about the life of Pee-Wee Herman. If by chance you do turn up a photo, or any information that might help contact the Oneonta History Center.



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