Oneonta Outlaws First Home Game Is This Friday
So many Oneonta "life enjoyed" pastimes fell by the wayside because of the coronavirus pandemic last summer, including the 2020 Oneonta Outlaws baseball season but there's great news...the players will once again take the field at Damaschke Field for 2021 according to OneontaOutlaws.com. Plus, get ready for an upgraded experience baseball fans.

Remember the big renovation project that began in the fall of 2019? The project was done in stages with the grandstand demolished and fencing removed, new concrete poured and new seats put in closer to home plate. Also, the box seats and dugouts were rebuilt with netting placed over them for safety. The changes look great and welcoming to baseball fans for the season to come.
The Outlaws open their season with a game against Saugerties this Thursday, June 3 at 7:00 PM. The first home game is this Friday against . You can see the home game schedule below. For more information visit www.oneontaoutlaws.com.
Welcome back Oneonta Outlaws! Oneonta sure missed you and America's favorite pastime.
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