What is the fate of this year's New York State Fair?

Governor Andrew Cuomo said the fair, that draws hundreds of thousands of people each year from around the world, can't open unless the entire state opens, during a daily briefing this week. "They can’t, unless it’s done statewide and with neighboring states."

Fair Director Tony Waffner agrees. "We agree with the Governor that the safety of the public comes first," he said during a statement. "We're continuing to make preparations with the health and safety of the fairgoer in mind and in coordination with the New York state's regional efforts to combat the coronavirus. We know that many people want to carry on the tradition of the fair, as do we. But we can not put a price on the health and safety of those who attend."

A number of blood drives with the Red Cross are being held at the fairgrounds through the end of May. You can schedule a time to make a donation. "We stand ready to offer assistance in any other way possible," said Waffner.

The fate of the fair remains uncertain. "This is an unsettling time and I'm sure you have questions. When we have answers we'll be sharing them with you," said Waffner.

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