12 Of the the Biggest, Baddest Ice Cream Cones in New York
Pssst... Want to see a picture of the largest ice cream cone in New York State (or the whole country for that matter)? It is on this list!!
t is definitely ice cream season in Upstate New York. Lines are long at the take-out window and the picnic tables are filled with happy, slurping families of all ages.
There are literally hundreds of places around the region that will gladly sell you an ice cream cone. But all cones are not alike. I myself have been to many of these places in my travels around the region. Here are some of my favorites.
When is a cone not a cone? When the colorful sprinkles are baked into the cone itself! What flavor of cone can you order? We found more than 200! As for me, my favorite flavor cone is Maple Bacon, and I was surprised at how many places actually sell it! And what about "wine ice cream" cones? Yes, they make them.
And where do they make "the largest ice cream cone in New York State?" Well, that is on the list too. It can be found in a small diner in Schoharie County. Its proportions (see the article) are huge and not for the light-hearted (or weak-stomached).
If you do not see your favorite ice cream cone on this list, please let us know. Again, this is just a sample of what you can find out there this summer. Places are located from the Hudson Valley to the Adirondacks and to Niagara Falls.
Enjoy! Your cone is calling to you.....