Change is definitely in the wind for the Otsego County Board.  This coming Fall, local elections will take place and Gary Koutnick, Democratic Vice Chair of the Otsego County Board of Representatives, will not be running again.  Koutnik's plans to retire were announced in a press release from Clark Oliver, who chairs the county’s Young Democrats organization.  Oliver says that he plans to run in District 11 (Koutnik's district) in Oneonta.

Gary Koutnik (Credit:
Gary Koutnik (Credit:

Oliver is an Oneonta High School graduate and is currently working to complete his bachelor’s in political science at SUNY Oneonta.  According to his facebook page, Oliver states "This decision comes after my consistent political involvement since the 2016 election. I have worked on a Congressional campaign, and I have managed a State Assembly and a State Senate campaign. I am President of the Otsego County Young Democrats, a group that worked tirelessly to make local political change in 2017. I am a County Democratic Committee member, and the Secretary of the City of Oneonta Democratic Committee. And now, I am running for office, and am so excited to bring a new perspective to our county legislature if elected.

I will prioritize protecting our environment while also improving our county's

Clark Oliver (Credit:
Clark Oliver (Credit:

infrastructure. I will advocate for environmentally friendly solutions, because climate change affects every single one of us. I support the creation of a County Manager or Administrator position. Otsego County is one of only a few counties in the state without this integral position, and one of the largest at that. Most importantly, I will fight for YOU. If elected, my promise to every constituent is that I will be accessible to you, I will listen to you, and I will do everything I can to deliver for you. Public service is one of my strongest callings, and I couldn't think of any better place to get started than my home."

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