Those of you eager to see a followup to Universal's massively successful Jurassic World should mark your calendars for the super distant date of Friday, June 22, 2018, because that's when the next installment is slated to hit theaters.

The further extension of the Jurassic Park franchise should come as no surprise to anyone even vaguely interested in movie statistics. Jurassic World has the highest-grossing global opening of any movie, ever, earning $511.8 million worldwide during its opening weekend. The movie's star, Chris Pratt, has reportedly signed on for numerous sequels, also an indication that Jurassic World could potentially go on forever.

And if it were up to Pratt, it probably would. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he talked about how much of a Jurassic Park fanboy he was as a kid, saying, "It was the first event movie in that way. I was 13. It started when I saw the movie trailer on TV. Like the sound of the feet thundering and the water shaking on the glass and the T. rex making the sound the T. rex makes and then Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg. I was like 'Oh my God I have to see that!' I saw it on opening weekend twice. It just captured my imagination and swept me up. I was one of the kids in that generation who saw that movie. I can’t think of anyone who’s like 'I haven’t seen Jurassic Park.'"

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