A controversial blog post by a photographer (via Rickey) is causing quite the stir! And why is that? Rob Hoffman, who regularly snaps pics of the Jonas Brothers, ranted on his blog about Taylor Swift and her path towards eventual spinsterhood. The photog had some particularly choice words for Ms. Swift. He wrote:

How many break-ups is it going to take for you girls to realize that Taylor Swift isn’t a good role model unless your dream in life is to die alone?

And if you’re going to defend her for her music, let me tell you now that saying you believe in any of Taylor Swift’s lyrics is like saying you trust your accountant because he’s been accused of tax evasion nine times.

The only redeeming quality of any boy band these days is betting on which one is going to date Taylor Swift, and as a result, come out of the closet 2 months later.

Hold. The. Phone. Did Hoffman just out Joe Jonas as gay? Possibly. Jonas was Taylor's first high-profile boyfriend when they dated for a few months back in 2008. As the JoBros photographer, Hoffman may have some insider information as to the real reason Joe and Swift split. Still, we take this blog post with a grain of salt. Hoffman could have been using the "come out of the closet 2 months later," phrase to prove his point or really drive home  his hatred for Taylor.

But the biggest reason we don't buy into this? Jonas has had public relationships with countless music stars, models and actresses in the past. It is currently rumored that Joe Jonas is dating Blanca Eggenschwiler, a Swiss model. Another day, another rumor. Keep doin' you, Joe.

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