Think about your job for a minute.  Is your day stressful?  Do you have lack of movement?  These factors could be contributing to your weight gain.  It makes sense.  Eating a lot of take out at your desk, indulging in doughnuts and snacks as a quick fix, it all adds up especially if you don't get up and move around.  In fact, a study by Harris Interactive revealed that 44% of surveyed workers said their weight gain was due to their job.  Career Builder has put together a list of sedentary jobs that could make you fat.  (Not ranked but rather grouped together because of their potential to cause weight gain.)

1. Travel agent

2. Attorney/Judge

3. Social worker

4. Teacher

5. Artist/designer/architect

6. Administrative assistant

7. Physician

8. Protective services (police, firefighter)

9. Marketing/public relations professional

10. Information technology professional

So I guess the study is trying to tell us we can legitimately blame being overweight on our jobs,  oh and of course that we should make a point to get up and get some exercise.

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