There are several diseases on the rise around the globe that many New Yorkers need to brace for in 2025.

Making sure to have your health is something everyone needs to be sure of, especially when heading into the new year. While we have many ways to combat many diseases these days it doesn't mean those disease aren't on the rise and ready to spread.

Everyone remembers the years of the pandemic and no one wants to go back to that. In what seems to be surprising, many diseases seem to be attacking with a vengeance as more people around the world are getting sick than ever before.

New Yorkers Must Brace

According to Insurance Journal these are some key diseases on the rise al around the world and several of them have made an impact here in the United States. Dengue, Monkeypox (Mpox), and avian flu (H5N1) have all made appearances in 2024 and were on the rise. Most of them saw a rise in diagnoses of over 100%. In some cases it's an over 500% increase in case.

While many of these upticks happened in Central and South America, that is just knocking on our door here in the US. With travelers from all over the world entering the United States from airports and ports on all coasts it's no surprise that these diseases are on the rise.

Norovirus is also on the rise around Upstate New York. It is highly contagious and is spread through direct contact with an infected individual. That individual may not even relaize they have it if the symptoms are not high. If you're around it you're likely going to end up with it in on way or another. Unfortunately there is no vaccine for this and you just have to go through it to get through it.

Another virus that is on the rise is RSV. While lower than usual, it is still impacting people around the US. The CDC says that staying up to date on immunizations will help to prevent sickness and hospitalization.

Five Diseases To Look Out For in 2025

These diseases are on the rise globally with more people suffering from them in 2024 than in previous years.

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