With autumn in the air, antique pickers and bargain hunters will be out in full force on the back roads and byways of Upstate New York.

There are hundreds of antique destinations in New York State. They range from large malls to tiny Mom-and-pop storefronts in rural towns. All hold the treasures of our region and all are fun to explore. Fall is a wonderful season to travel the region exploring these "picker's paradises." The leaves are turning, cider farms are around every corner, and antique shops are on full display no matter where you are. Here is a list of 15 antique destinations we think you should consider on your next road trip through the region.

If you are like me, I am mostly a "looker" at these shops. I love to go in them, and really enjoy studying all kinds of relics that they have on display. But I almost never go in intending to buy something. Just to enjoy a "browse around."

Funny thing is, though, that I almost always come out with something. How does that happen? Somehow I cannot resist an old Rolling Stones 45 RPM record, or a Schultz and Dooley Utica Club beer stein (remember them?). Or an old book, maybe a weird reading lamp, or a 1960s pop art poster. I just can't help myself!

So put these 15 down in your travel notebook and check them out. And any others you spy lurking around a bend in a town or hamlet you have never been in before. Stop, and go inside and say hello. And browse around. Don't worry, you will probably come out with something!

Upstate New York is a Paradise for Antique 'Pickers' Everywhere

There is no best season to go antiquing in Upstate New York. However, autumn can't be beat for its natural splendor and for the bargains you will find from the Hudson to the North Country to Western New York. Pickers should definitely put these 15 antique destinations on their next road trip through the region!

Read More! NY's 12 Smallest Counties and Why You Should Visit Them

There are 62 counties in the state of New York. The largest (by population) is Kings County (Brooklyn). It has a population of 2,726,002 people. But, there are far more smaller counties in the state than larger ones. This list takes a look at the smallest counties in New York, with all of them in some region of Upstate New York. Even though they are sparsely populated, each has a few places that any NYS road warrior might want to stop at and explore. So here are the 12 smallest counties (by population as of 2010) in the state and what you might find on a visit to each of them

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