My family loves visiting museums and one of our favorites is the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca, so when I heard that the future of the museum is in jeopardy, it brought back a flood of memories of visiting and all of the amazing things that we learned there that we might not have ever known had we not visited.

Concern Over Museum of the Earth Closure

Also concerned about the possible closure of the museum is Emily Cavanaugh, a resident of Ithaca, who has started a petition on which over 500 people have supported so far. Call to Action

Emily’s petition is centered around the reasons that the Museum of the Earth is important for both education and research and why it should be saved from closure, which Emily says is imminent.

Explore Earth and its prehistoric past at the Museum of Earth in Ithaca
Traci Taylor

Significance of the Museum of the Earth

The museum, which has a remarkable collection of over 7 million fossil specimens, has been an important resource to both Cornell University and residents of the Upstate New York community for more than 90 years.

Financial Crisis and Support Efforts

When a big donor suddenly pulled funding from the Museum of the Earth, it put this fantastic museum in serious trouble.

Now, those who support Emily’s petition are pushing Cornell University and local stakeholders to team up to come up with some ways to save the museum's history for future generations.

Explore Earth and its prehistoric past at the Museum of Earth in Ithaca
Traci Taylor

Nationwide Struggle of Museums

Museums across the United States are having a hard time getting enough money to stay open and running smoothly due to economic challenges so this isn’t an isolated situation with the Museum of Earth, but it’s a sad situation that can be saved if enough people come together.

SEE ALSOExplore Earth and Its Prehistoric Past at the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca

Impact of Museum of the Earth Closure

The Museum of the Earth is a place that helps people learn about science and connects with the community, especially by helping Cornell University students and teachers. If it closes, it would be a big loss for paleontology research and education.

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How to Take Action

To show support or contribute to the fight to keep the Museum of the Earth open, you can visit the petition link here.

Look Inside Ithaca's Fascinating Museum of the Earth

Located in Ithaca, the Museum of the Earth is a hands-on museum that's part of the Paleontological Research Institution which is an independent organization that pursues research and education related to the history of the Earth and its life. Take a look around!

Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor

Look Inside The 'It's A Wonderful Life' Museum In Seneca Falls, New York

Upstate New York's Seneca Falls is believed to have inspired Bedford Falls from the movie 'It's A Wonderful Life’ and even has its own 'It's a Wonderful Life' museum. This is what it looks like inside.

Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor