As the highly anticipated solar eclipse on April 8 draws near, states along the path of totality, including New York, are preparing for the influx of visitors and the strain it may put on infrastructure.

Among the concerns highlighted by officials is the potential impact on cellular networks during the eclipse and that they may become unusable for a short period of time for customers.

Cell Phone Networks Brace for Elicpes Strain

Authorities in New York State are collaborating with various law enforcement, emergency, and transportation agencies to manage the massive number of visitors expected on April 8. With the 2017 solar eclipse witnessing a significant increase in the population of some regions, officials are preparing for similar circumstances this year.

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In addition to concerns about transportation systems and emergency services, officials have issued warnings about the strain on cellular networks. A memo on eclipse planning explicitly states that the high volume of people may overwhelm cellular networks, potentially leading to network disruptions.

Safety Measures for Eclipse Observers

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for eclipse enthusiasts, authorities have provided some important safety tips.

Keep Your Phone Charged. With the possibility of cellular networks becoming overloaded, it's crucial to have your cell phone fully charged before heading out to witness the eclipse. Additionally, carrying a charger or portable power bank can help ensure you stay connected in case of any network disruptions.

Properly Prepare for the Day. Plan ahead by fueling up your vehicle the day before the event and carrying extra food and water in case of unforeseen circumstances or traffic delays. If possible, consider staying in the region for the night to avoid any last-minute rush or potential network strain.

Avoid Vehicle Issues. Law enforcement authorities advise visitors not to use vehicles that cannot last for more than 10 hours without charging. Electric vehicles that become stranded may be towed, causing unnecessary inconvenience.

Path of Totality and Viewing Times

While the solar eclipse will be visible to some extent in all states of the contiguous U.S., the path of totality stretches from Texas to Maine.

States such as Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, along with parts of Kentucky, Michigan, and Tennessee, will experience the greatest moments of darkness during the eclipse, lasting up to 4 minutes and 27 seconds.

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Gallery Credit: Devon Brosnan

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Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams