When Is Daylight Saving Time in Oneonta, New York?
It's going to be chilly soon, the days are definitely getting shorter, the leaves are actively falling from the trees, and on the horizon is Daylight Saving Time. Please note that there is no s on the end of saving, it is in fact singular.

Do We Really Have To Do This?
Daylight Saving Time is the bane of just about every parent of tiny humans and critters existence. You've got that routine down with everyone, and then just like that it's over, and it takes them - and you - a week to fully regroup and reacclimate.
Please do pardon me if I wax dismal on this subject. When I was working on the road all the time, I had no issues jumping from coast to coast, week after week, and having a day to recover from crossing multiple time zones. But change the time while I'm stationary, and I become a diva for the better part of a week.
Even Politicians Think It Stinks.
I'm not alone, a bill has been proposed during several sessions of Congress that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent. The Sunshine Protection Act has been introduced four times, most recently in March of 2023. It has failed to gain any real traction. I'm guessing our federal government loves 4:30pm sunsets!
The Experts Weigh In
The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is also on Team Permanent Daylight Saving Time. They say:
It is the position of the AASM that the U.S. should eliminate seasonal time changes in favor of a national, fixed, year-round time. Current evidence best supports the adoption of year-round standard time, which aligns best with human circadian biology and provides distinct benefits for public health and safety.
Alas, I'm here to tell you when to turn your clocks back for that perceived extra hour of sleep. This year, clocks turn back on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 2:00:00 AM.