Need Heat? HEAP Help is Now Available in New York
No matter how you heat your home in New York, help is available this winter.
New York offers assistance with the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) to help cover the cost of keeping you warm during the winter season.
How does HEAP work?
Eligible residents may receive one HEAP benefit per season. Emergency HEAP benefits are also available for anyone in danger of running out of fuel or having their utility shut off.
What Type of Heat is Covered
Natural Gas
Wood/Wood Pellets
Read More: 9 Tips to Safely Heat Your Home This Winter
Who is eligible?
Home heating assistance is based on income, the size of the household, and the number of members under the age of 6 or over 60.
More information is available on the New York State website or by calling the local Home Energy Assistance office.
You may be eligible for HEAP, even if you own your home, pay for heat as part of your rent, or have money in the bank, stocks, bonds, or other resources.
Money May Run Out
Don't wait. The program is now open for enrollment and it only lasts until the money runs out.
You can see if you're eligible online at myBenefits.ny.gov or in person at a Social Service office.
Utica Office
Oneida County Department of Social Services
800 Park Avenue
Utica, NY 13501
Phone: (315) 798-5559
Days Open: Monday - Friday
Rome Office:
Oneida County Department of Social Services
300 West Dominick Street
Rome, NY 13440
Phone: (315) 338-0240
Days Open: Monday - Friday
Here's the list of offices for every county in New York.
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