Woman Refuses to Attend Niece’s Out-of-State Wedding Due to Financial Concerns, Past Manipulation
A woman is refusing to attend her niece's wedding due to finances and family drama.
The woman explained in her post on Reddit that she is not close with her siblings and one of their children is getting married. However, she has never been close to this child.
"I'm the youngest of many children, far separated in years. I have never really been close to my siblings, as most were grown and gone when I came along. I've only been reasonably close with one, nearest in age to me. Issue: That sibling's child is getting married, in another state. This child has never been close to me or my kids, actually kind of chilly with me for many years, and that's fine," she wrote.
Despite her not going to the wedding, the woman shared that she will be sending a check to help with the honeymoon expenses.
"Anyway I don't have much inclination to go. I will send a nice check for the honeymoon fund but don't feel the need to take time off work and spend thousands of dollars to go warm a chair. Furthermore my spouse was laid off 2 weeks ago. We are okay, and spouse will likely be rehired by new company, but it hasn't happened yet, and I'm not really comfortable spending that kind of money right now while we are in limbo," she said.
"This sibling actually flew out here, banged on my door and proceeded to scream at me for an hour and accuse me of making excuses to not come. Now, mind you, bullying, manipulation and intimidation has been kind of a culture in this family, and me being the youngest I've always gotten the brunt of it, but as I've matured and our parents are gone, I've decided I don't need to tolerate it anymore, nor subject my family to it. I've even cut complete ties with one of them because they just will not relent," the woman continued.
"The others I keep at arms length, not that I hear from them much anyway, except this one. This sibling has always been there, helped out when asked (very mutual however) and always been kind to my kids. I had no intention of hurting anyone's feelings, and I would certainly send a nice contribution to the honeymoon fund as I don't think child will really miss me/us anyway," she concluded.
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Users in the comments section of the post sounded off, with many of them siding with the woman.
"You have valid reasons for not attending the wedding, including financial constraints and a lack of closeness with the couple. Your sibling's behavior is unacceptable, and you are not obligated to tolerate their bullying and manipulation," said one person.
"When one sends an 'Invitation', it's just that and INVITE. It is not an ultimatum, 'Thou shall come to this wedding' Politely decline, send a gift and do not respond in such a way as to escalate the situation. Remember, you can catch more flies with honey, than salt. Any replies need to be dripping in honey. At some point, they will tire of responding with salt," suggested someone else.
"Can you still cancel the check?" asked another Reddit user.
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Gallery Credit: Ryan Reichard