Hartwick Seeks to Bring Back Students Starting Aug. 22
AllOtsego.com is reporting that Hartwick College is planning on seeing its students return on Aug. 22 Here is a statement from Hartwick College President Drugovich:
"In a Sunday video, Hartwick College President Margaret L. Drugovich announced planning is underway for students to begin a phased-in return to campus Saturday, Aug. 22, with classes reopening Monday, Aug. 31. The state issued guidelines for college reopening on Saturday afternoon, she said, and plans are for Hartwick to release its full reopening plan in the next week, to be discussed in detail by the college president in next Sunday’s video. Part of the opening, she said yesterday, will involve every student signing “Our Social Compact: A Healthy Hartwick College.” She continued, “this compact will help each one of us to understand and hold one another accountable for our commitment to being an educational community. If we individually make this commitment, we will be able to return to our shared work – together. I know we can do this. I have confidence in you.”
At this point, this is just a plan which is subject to change.
For more on this story follow our publishing partner at AllOtsego.com.
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