SUNY Delhi Business and Professional Golf Management majors are teaching over 3,000 kindergartners through 12th graders in Delaware County the lifetime sport of golf through the college's Golf in Schools program.

Delhi students will provide two days of golf instruction to each area school under the direction of PGM Program Director Tom Philion. Stamford Junior Golf, Inc. is assisting Delhi's "Golf in Schools" program. Jon Barber, vice-president of Stamford Golf, Inc. and Treasurer Jim Adair presented a $500 donation to the SUNY Delhi Professional Golf Management Club to assist with golf instruction to area schools.

In addition to Delhi's Golf in Schools program, Business and Professional Golf Management majors conduct junior golf camps at the college golf course and provide golf instruction to the public in the swing analysis lab.

For more information about Delhi's Golf in Schools program or the Business and Professional Golf Management major, contact Tom Philion at 607-746-4678 or visit online at

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