Five Ways To Tick Off An Oneontan
Because Oneonta is a college town but also a place where a lot of tourists visit, we get our share of "non-locals" and there's something we really need to share with visitors: the following are sure fire ways of cheeving those of us who live and work in Oneonta:
1 Don’t Let Other Vehicles Out In Traffic
Call us crazy but we Oneontans tend to be friendly to others which includes letting people into traffic. So remember, this isn't New York City where driving is a cut-throat event. It's a small town and we like our small town friendly way of doing things.
2 Walk Right Out In Front Of Traffic To Cross The Street Like You Own The Place
Walkers do not have the right of way in Oneonta! There are certain places where that is the case like on college campuses but not around town.
3 Telling Us There’s Nothing To Do Around Here
With two colleges, Foothills Performing Arts Center, music venues, movies, and countless community group events, there is more than enough to keep people busy. If you think there's nothing to do, then you aren't looking hard enough.
4 Vomiting On The Sidewalk. Hello!
There's nothing more that needs to be said about this but YUCK!
5 Throwing Your Garbage On The Ground In Our Town!
We love Oneonta and want to keep it looking beautiful! So please don't trash our town by throwing your garbage on the ground. There are plenty of waste containers around to pitch trash in.
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