As most 'Doctor Who' fans eagerly await the March 30 return of the seventh series, and the mad possibilities of returning Doctors for the 50th anniversary special, we're still enamored of star Jenna-Louise Coleman's newly-minted companion Clara Oswin Oswald. Yet, as any 'Doctor Who' fan well knows, neither companion nor Doctor lasts forever, so could Jenna-Louise Coleman already have a mind toward her exit? Find out how long the Doctor's new companion will be sticking around inside!

Despite being introduced in the 'Doctor Who' series 7 premiere "Asylum of the Daleks," Jenna-Louise Coleman's feisty companion Clara Oswin Oswald has had a relatively short shelf-life. Thankfully, Coleman isn't apt to depart soon, even as we await the March 30 premiere of new 'Doctor Who' series 7 episodes.

'Doctor Who' fans always tend toward questioning when a particular companion or Doctor will make an eventual exit, so it should hopefully come as relief that an interview with the London Evening Standard confirms that Clara Oswin Oswald (as well as her multiple iterations, it's a long story) will indeed be present through the 2013 'Doctor Who' Christmas special, as well as the eighth series to begin sometime in 2014.

That said, we can certainly expect the upcoming episodes of 'Doctor Who' to delve into the mysterious character, particularly her habit of dying and returning to life for as-yet-unexplained reasons. As the good Doctor puts it in the latest trailer for new series 7 episodes, "she's not possible!"

What say you? Are you excited Jenna-Louise Coleman's Clara Oswin Oswald will be sticking around for the foreseeable future? What new adventures would you like to see the pair involved in? Give us your thoughts on future 'Doctor Who' in the comments, after watching the newest trailer!

(Via Blastr)

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