How many times have gone upstairs just to forget why you were going up there?  How about putting an item down and then forgetting where you put it?  As life becomes more hurried and complicated, recalling things may become a little harder.  Scottish researchers have named this 'forgetfulness' Busy Lifestyle Syndrome.  Cell phones, TV, emails, texts,  internet, work, and hectic schedules all contribute to our declining attention spans according to the study.  Is BLS real or BS?    I experience these little mental lapses but I just thought it was a part of getting older.  If I had a dollar for every time I couldn't find my keys...I'd be retired.  Some pharmaceutical companies are working on pills to help this condition but it seems a little extreme to me to pop a pill for simple absent mindedness.  I do think that people are affected by their crazy lives.  Their brain is constantly going and it is easy to forget things along the way.  I do everyday but I'm not ready to label myself as a sufferer.  By the way, has anyone seen my phone?

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