Anytime I can learn some helpful tips to make things a little easier, I like to pass them along. Here are seven life hacks that will are simple but make total sense.
My favorite all time Halloween candy is...candy corn! I love it! For whatever reason I eat it color by color. Not that it tastes any different than eating it all at once but it is more fun.
It has been many years since I visited Rogers Environmental Education Center in Sherburne, New York. I think twenty years or so. Yesterday was a little chilly, but a great day to hike the trails with some special, young people.
On Tuesday, September 30, at 7 p.m., the Oxford Historical Society (OHS) is presenting a special program by Ernie Spicer, “The Music and Songs of WWI,” in the Community Room at Oxford’s Memorial Library.
Tonight is the 4-H and Firefighters Parade at the Delaware County Fair in Walton, New York. Take a look at today's (Tuesday, August 12, 2014) schedule of events: