Bret Easton Ellis Offers Update on Kanye West ‘Yeezus’ Film
Bret Easton Ellis is known for his books that satirized the absurdity of the "me" culture of the 1980s, mixing the glam with gore. His novel 'American Psycho' is one such example. In a recent chat, he confirmed that he and Kanye West have a film collabo in the works, based on the rapper's latest 'Yeezus.' So what's that about?
Well, the author can't say too much, which he admitted, saying, "It's in Kanye Land, and that’s subject to a whole other time frame. He came and asked me to write the film. I didn’t want to at first. Then I listened to 'Yeezus.'"
The write continued, "It was early summer last year and I was driving in my car. He’d given me an advance copy, and I thought, regardless of whether I’m right for this project, I want to work with whoever made this. So f--k it, I said 'yes.' And that’s how it happened. That was seven or eight months ago. We’ll see what happens."
So while that's not much to go on, it is interesting, since the brains of Ellis and West are pretty creatively advanced and we'd love to see what happens when they collide.
Ellis also opined on West and was rather on point, since Yeezy has alienated people with his constant declarations of genius. Clearly, Ellis "gets" 'Ye so they are a perfect fit to work together.
"I really like him as a person," Ellis said. "I know he comes off in this performance-art way in the press, but if you’re just alone with him in a room talking for three hours, it’s kind of mind-blowing. I think he just broke the golden rule of admitting to being a narcissist, and that’s what people can’t handle."