Joe Robinson

Top 40 Songs – September 2012
Dave Matthews Band top’s Top 40 Songs of September 2012 list with ’Mercy,’ the lead single from the forthcoming ‘Away From the World’ album, which hits stores Sept. 11. DMB recently unveiled a new James Frost-directed video for ‘Mercy’ that features a bounty of fan-shot footage, and
No Doubt climb into the No. 2 slot with ‘Settle Down,’ the first sin

Frank Ocean, Mumford and Sons Set for ‘Saturday Night Live’
Frank Ocean has signed on as musical guest for the Sept. 15 season premiere of ‘Saturday Night Live,’ kicking off the 38th season of the long-running NBC comedy. As Consequence of Sound reports, Ocean will appear alongside host Seth MacFarlane, creator of ‘Family Guy,’ and he’s not the only first-rate artist prepping for the ‘SNL’ stage.

Gotye Remixes ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ YouTube Parodies
Gotye has paid tribute to the hundreds of videos featuring parodies and covers of his massive hit ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ that have been posted on YouTube by putting together his own video mashup using the footage.

Adele’s ‘Chasing Pavements’ Will Kick Off ‘Glee’ Season 4
Season 4 of ‘Glee’ will surely start off with a bang, as it has been reported that Adele‘s ‘Chasing Pavements’ will be the first group number performed on the hit Fox show. The news was revealed yesterday (July 31) with a post on the official ‘Glee’ Twitter page.

Florence Welch Had to Quit Caffeine While Voice Healed
Judging from her recent performance on ABC’s ‘Good Morning America,’ Florence Welch seems to be recovering nicely from the vocal issues that forced Florence + the Machine to cancel several European dates while she rested her voice. But while Welch certainly is grateful to have her pipes working again, she admits that one sacrifice she made while getting better has not been easy: kicking her caffei

Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ Meets Carly Rae Jepsen’s ‘Call Me Maybe’ in Mash-Up for the Ages
Whether you love the songs or hate the songs — or love one and find the other somewhat annoying, as some of us do — Gotye‘s ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ and teen star Carly Rae Jepsen‘s ‘Call Me Maybe’ are two of the biggest, most ubiquitous and most unavoidable hits of 2012. So, what happens when two such massively successful songs become one?

My Morning Jacket, ‘Outta My System’ – Song Review
Most bands tour to support new albums, but My Morning Jacket seem to have the opposite approach. They release new albums so they have an excuse to stay on the road. That’s not surprising — although considered an indie rock act, MMJ may have just as much in common with the jam band greats like the Grateful Dead and Phish — and as stellar as some of their studio releases have been, their real triump

Lenny Kravitz vs. Katy Perry – Song Parallels
Chances are you remember the rocking Lenny Kravitz hit ‘Fly Away’ — it was, after all, one of the guitar great’s all-time biggest singles — and even if you don’t listen to pop music, the Katy Perry smash ‘Wide Awake’ is virtually unavoidable these days. But did you ever notice the similarity between the two songs?

No Doubt, ‘Settle Down’ – Song Review
Don’t call it a comeback. No Doubt have been here for years … and years and years. They may have taken a break, but the time apart doesn’t mean they’ve missed a step. More than a decade after releasing their latest album, 2001′s ‘Push and Shove’ — and two decades after dropping their self-titled debut disc — the veteran ska-punk-reggae-fusion-alt-rock act is getting ready for the arrival of its la

Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ Named Shazam’s All-Time Most Tagged Song
The honors just keep rolling in for Gotye‘s international smash crossover super hit ‘Somebody That I Used to Know,’ which has been lighting up the charts and racking up trophies on the awards circuit for months. The latest is a distinction unique to the digital realm: According to Shazam, the popular music identification app that lets users “tag” a song to find its title and artist, ‘Somebody That