Drew was raised by wolves in the hills of Northeast Kansas. After teaching himself not only how to read and write, but how to speak English fluently (well sort of) set his sights on radio.
Incredible Dash Cam Video Shows Head-On Collision With Rolling Cement Truck
Can you even imagine the fear of seeing this barreling toward your windshield? That's exactly what happened to this Texas driver, and his dashboard camera captured the whole thing!
This Kid’s Dad Makes The Best Home Movies of All Time [VIDEO]
Remember when kids had to use their imagination. Well, not anymore!
Baby Suiting May Be The Best Internet Fad Ever [PHOTOS]
It's pretty simple. You take a picture of a baby wearing an adult's suit. It's absolutely everything great about the world wide web.
Tony Hawk and Christopher Lloyd Reveal the Hoverboard Video Was A Prank [VIDEO]
We all knew it was too good to be true, but we wanted to believe!