At What Point Do You Just Call A Body Shop?
At some point in the majority of our lives, we've had some sort of issue with our car that could easily be fixed with a little bit of duct tape. Maybe you had a seat tear or a hole in the paneling, or maybe you were rear-ended and needed to duct tape your car back together to get home.
I saw this car in a parking garage in Chicago that not only is held together by duct tape but it's held together by multiple rolls of duct tape.
Now upon more investigation, I noticed that there are two colors of duct tape here.
There are parts missing, and there was even an attempt at one point to use packaging tape.
On top of that, this car's been taped before. The amount of tape on this bumper just tells me, that this bad boy could easily just be rolling down the highway without a rear bumper.
This isn't the first time this car's been taped either. If you look closely at this shot of the bumper, you'll see the multiple ghosts of Christmas Tape's Past.
And here's a bonus. On my way home, I passed this awesome job-well-done of a car. I don't know what kind of leak this guy's trying to prevent, but I think he's got enough plastic to make sure it doesn't get in.

Listener Scott spotted this Christmas miracle at a local Walmart. If it's in one piece, it's drivable, I suppose?
If you look at this photo, you can see where the frame isn't even connected to the rest of the truck anymore.
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