Arson, Assault, and a Bench Warrant in Delaware County
On May 21st, Walton Village Police arrested Bernadette T. Elston, 48, of Walton on a charge of arson, 4th degree. She was arraigned in Walton Village Court and sent to the Delaware County Jail on $500 cash bail.
Delaware County Sheriff Deputies recently arrested Nayquan Menzies, 23, of Stamford on a bench warrant issued by the Town of Delhi Court. Menzies was arraigned and sent to the Delaware County Jail on $1,000 cash bail. Menzies is to reappear at a later date to answer charges.
On May 19th, Walton Police Department arrested Joshua Wright, 24, of Walton on charges of assault 3rd Degree with intent to cause physical injury, criminal mischief 4th Degree, preventing an emergency call, and criminal obstruction of breathing. He was Arraigned in Walton Village Court and sent to the Delaware County Jail on $500 bail.