In response to allegations that Chrystal Workman abused her daughter, 'Modern Family' actress Ariel Winter, Workman has issued a statement to try and clear things up.

Albeit with a claim that has more plot holes than 'Prometheus.'

Workman asserts that she would never hurt her daughter and that the abuse allegations were only brought forth because she was trying to get her 14-year-old daughter's 18-year-old boyfriend arrested for untoward behavior with a minor.

"I caught them engaging in behavior that I feel my daughter is too young mentally and physically to understand and fully grasp I put a stop to it immediately," Workman said.

"Putting a stop to it" included filing a report with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department after she said she walked in on the two doing the horizontal mambo on September 24.

“If he wants to engage in adult behavior with a minor than [sic] he should also be ready to suffer adult consequences for his actions," she said.

However, according to TMZ, this police report wasn't filed until five days after she lost custody of Winter, making the whole claim even more suspicious.

Especially since this is not first child of which Workman has lost custody, having had her rights stripped 20 years prior when daughter Shanelle was removed from her home by authorities.

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