Ariana Grande is currently embarking on her spontaneous, unplanned and unofficial apology tour across her homeland, because she wants everyone to know her recent U.S.-specific vitriol carries no real weight.

During her concert in the beautiful, mosquito-ridden state of Florida last night (July 16), she proclaimed to her legions of fans: "I'm so grateful to be here in TAMPA! And I'm so, so grateful to be here performing in the USA, the greatest country in the world!"

While Ariana's words may come as too little, too late for some freedom-lovers (and JoJo fans) out there, we totally understand what it's like to be caught saying something stupid and embarrassing when you thought no one was paying attention. For her fans, though, all seems to be forgiven, as her brief statement was met with raucous applause.

So there you have it! Despite contaminating doughnuts with her saliva and saying "I hate Americans," the owners of Wolfee Donuts are not pressing charges and her fans have officially accepted her increasingly patriotic apologies. This is fantastic news for Ariana, who apparently won't be forced to cancel her tour and career or trade in her latex crop tops for an orange jumpsuit.

Watch Ariana's transparent attempt at making amends with the land of the free in the video above. Do you believe her? Do you think Dunkin Donuts should sponsor her next tour? Are you actually from another country and are now offended when you weren't before?

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