6 Strange Tourist Attractions
Everyone wants to see the Great Wall of China or the Eiffel Tower before they die, but some fanatics are fanatic about other strange attractions around the world.
1. World’s Largest Hockey Stick
Thanks to Canada, the world has a 205 foot long hockey stick to look up to. As if hockey wasn’t dangerous enough already, this 30 ton hockey stick could probably knock down Wayne Gretzky. Surprisingly, this really is a tourist attraction for many Canadians, and is currently being held up in Duncan, BC.
2. Humongous Knitted Rabbit
You’re probably reading this description to figure out what this really is, because it can’t be a giant knitted rabbit. It’s a model, or a faked image. Nope. That is a full-grown person lying on its belly, and that is a giant knitted rabbit. It was created by a group of artists called Gelitin, for no reason other than to be able to climb around on a huge pink decaying bunny. They intended it to appear dead — they even included various knitted guts and organs spilling out its side. This is the last present anyone should get for their kids.
3. The Coral Castle
The Coral Castle is 1,100 tons of coral carved into buildings and sculpture. The strange part is, it was all moved, carved and built by one man. Why he went through all this without help is not entirely known, but he made plenty of money by selling tours after it was completed. Though the mysterious builder is not alive today, people still visit this magnificent garden.
4. World’s Largest Cow
And you thought we had enough cows in Otsego County. This Holstein is one of many gigantic animal statues in North Dakota that exist for the sake of tourism and photo opportunities. This collection of statues includes a giant crane-sized crane, a turtle made out of tires, and a “Giant Golf Zombie”.
5. The Fremont Troll
Underneath a bridge in Seattle, Washington lurks a horridly large troll. Is he a sculpture, or did he see Medusa? Either way, he’s pretty scary. Built as part of an “urban rehabilitation program”, their plan must have been to scare kids into going back to school. I’m glad we don’t have one of these under the James Lettis Highway bridge.
6. Underwater Hotel
The Poseidon Undersea Resort is a pressurized building 40 feet below the ocean waves. These extreme-luxury suites each have a full view of the ocean above. Guests get to drive submarines around the lagoon with all the comforts of a resort hotel.