
‘Vacation’ Trailer: No One Wants to Sing ‘Kiss From a Rose’
‘Vacation’ Trailer: No One Wants to Sing ‘Kiss From a Rose’
‘Vacation’ Trailer: No One Wants to Sing ‘Kiss From a Rose’
What at first seemed like a silly idea for a reboot/sequel has already proven itself as incredibly promising with just a couple of trailers — a new trailer for Vacation has arrived, and it’s just as funny as the previous ones (although it features less of Chris Hemsworth’s, um, area). A new generation of Griswolds hit the road for Walley World, and the results appear to be even more disastrous than the original gang’s vacation attempts.
‘Vacation’ Red Band Trailer: Ed Helms Takes His Family on a NSFW Road Trip
‘Vacation’ Red Band Trailer: Ed Helms Takes His Family on a NSFW Road Trip
‘Vacation’ Red Band Trailer: Ed Helms Takes His Family on a NSFW Road Trip
The new Vacation may bear the same name as the old Vacation, but it’s actually a sequel, taking place a few decades after the first ill-fated Griswold family trip to Walley World. The first trailer for this new version has arrived and while it has the same title and premise as its predecessor, it bends over backwards to let you know that Ed Helms is the same Rusty Griswold from 32 years ago, all grown up. Can we call this a rebootquel?