It is yearbook time again as we close out the school year.

I remember that this was a greatly anticipated time when I was in school 50 years ago.  It was always fun to go through and find yourself photographed during the day-to-day routine of going to school.  I graduated in 1967 and lost my yearbook a while back.  I remember that it was filled with signatures of friends, classmates and teachers.  I actually worked on the Sidney yearbook that year.  It was fun.

My wife, Trish, is an English teacher at Schenevus Central School.  She is always excited to bring home her school's yearbook to show me.  We flip through the pages and she tells me about the different students she had this year and in the past.  I read the comments that some of her students write in her yearbook and it is obvious the kids really love "Mrs. D."

But this year was a little different.  She came home yesterday with this year's yearbook and I could hardly believe the professional quality of it.  I understand that yearbooks have undergone major changes over the last decades, but this book in particular was really something special.  The cover was as professional as I have ever seen. It is stunning.   In fact, having written 9 books for three different university presses, it was of equal quality to anything I have ever seen from these publishers.

The cover shows a bright color photograph of the Schenevus school.  It is overlaying a copy of the school's original construction blueprint with an image of a building crane front and center.  I like the title of the yearbook, too. "Constructing Our Future."  Just great.  I don't know if there is a school yearbook competition of sorts or not, but this one is a WINNER!

This article is not to dismiss all of the other great school yearbooks, but this is the only one I have seen.  Congratulations to Maxine Reiff and Jamey Waters, the Schenevus yearbook advisors.

And who is the creative genius behind this spectacular yearbook cover? 

Andrew Hamilton.  He is is 9th grade!


schenevus yearbook

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